
Introduction to C++


  • curly braces {} alone determine nesting(scope 作用域)
  • semicolon ; ends a statement
  • stream insertion operator << to push data to the console
  • comments:
    • /* */
      * This is a multi-line comment
    • //:单行注释
  • all statements must be inside of a function
  • functions are not always part of a class (unlike Java)
  • main: starting point of a program
    • returns int exit code (0 for success)

About void

If a function does not return a value, its return type should be the cool-but-scary-sounding void.

graph LR
    A[source code] --compile--> B[binary <i>object</i> file]
    B --link--> D
    C[library] --link--> D[Executable file<br><i>platform dependent</i>]